Scuderia Trentina
Trento - Bondone

A new photo contest linked to our race

Among the news to this 62nd edition of the Trento - Bondone, the most exiting is the International Photo Contest linked with our prestigious race. The spurs that the competition and happening days can offer to those wishing to fix an image are so many. By the means of this initiative we invite all lovers of cameras and objectives to send us their most beautiful shots taken on June 30th and July 1st.
The contest has been named «Trento - Bondone: una montagna di emozioni» (Trento-Bondone: a mountain of emotions) and it was born from the wish to immortalize the most beautiful emotions of these three days through the photo shot that freezes the moment and fixes it in the memory, taking as well into consideration the link between the race and the place as social aggregation and cultural phenomena event.
All images having as subject the moments connected with the event, not only the sporting ones, are eligible: the link between Mont Bondone and the public of the race, unusual foreshortenings of a unique place and event, expectations, emotions, people, expressions, preparations, curiosities.
Participation is free and opened to non professional photographers only, without age limit.
Each author can participate with a maximum of 3 pictures, to be sent in jpg format, 300 dpi, 30 x 45 cm minimum and a maximum or 8mb per shot. These shall be sent between July 2nd and August 31st by e-mail to, with the subject "1° Concorso fotografico Trento-Bondone: una montagna di emozioni".
The prize for the winner will be a full board week (6 days) for two people in one of the Monte Bondone hotels to be used during Summer 2013. The second will be awarded with a full board weekend (2 days) for two people in one of the Monte Bondone hotels to be also used during Summer 2013. The third will receive Voucher of 100 euro value offered by Foto Cine “Alla Rotonda”. Prizes will be also awarded for 4th to 10th classified. Moreover the most beautiful pictures will be published in the Scuderia Trentina website
For further information please visit our special page.

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