Scuderia Trentina


pag. / 2 argomenti

Thirteenth triumph for Faggioli, historical silver for Degasperi

The 72nd «Trento Bondone» is getting closer and closer

Registrations open for the 72nd Trento Bondone

The twelfth of Simone Faggioli one step away from the record

Registrations for the 71st edition are open

Eleventh triumph for Faggioli in the pouring rain

Download the paddock plan

The supplementary regulations are now online

Available the official entry list

Paddock planimetry is available

Entry forms are available

Seventh Success for Faggioli in Bondone, the new record was set

After the verifications, Tomorrow the official race

Entry forms for the Trento – Bondone are on line

A new photo contest linked to our race

New record and success for Faggioli

The list of participants and other information on line

A Facebook page and profile

Three weeks to the LXI edition

The registration form is available on this website

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