Scuderia Trentina
Trento - Bondone

The list of participants and other information on line

You’ll find on this website the official list of participants of the LXI Edition of the Trento – Bondone. In order to consult them, please log in the Results Section, followed by Francesco Dariz, where you’ll be also able to follow the ranking in real time during the test sessions of Saturday and the race of Sunday. As for last year, we put at drivers’ disposal the paddock map, in order to let every stable know what its place is into the ex-Zuffo Area before entering. This planning allows to speed up and rationalize the set up of the area. You’ll find two .pdf files (map and legend) into the Download section. The Particular Regulation for historic and modern cars is available in the same section as well.
A practical info for drivers: the Highway Exit for the A22 “Trento Centro” is no longer available for entrance, due to the opening of the new “Trento Sud” exit: in order to get to the paddocks – starting are of the ex-Zuffo Area, if coming from Verona please exit at “Trento Sud”, if coming from Bolzano please exit at “Trento Nord”. In both cases, it will be enough to get the Ring-road (Tangenziale) heading to the city centre to get to the paddocks.
Another useful thing: if necessary, the technical passport has to be renewed on Friday, July 1st, from 11.00 to 12.00. The reference person is Mr. Roberto Pagliai, C.T.N., present at the paddock.

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